Starting November 2022 | Hybrid or in-person in Italy | POLIMI, Italy
Clinical skills are increasing their need for technology-related knowledge and the world of medicine is characterised by a great technological challenge. The association of technological and medical skills represents an important frontier of higher education. The goal of this Master is to create a school able to provide transdisciplinary skills to the most relevant players in the field of technologies for rehabilitation, home care, and empowerment of disabled and fragile people.
Who should apply:
Trunk Rehabilitation for Neurological Patients
25th -26th February 2023 | Saturday & Sunday | 9:00AM – 5:00PM (GMT +8, SGT) | TTSH, Singapore
Trunk control is commonly affected after a neurological insult. The trunk has been considered to be the central key point or the core of the body. It plays an integral role in postural stabilization and also enables mobility of the body and the upper and lower extremities during task performance. Research has clearly demonstrated that trunk control affects many facets of the recovery in people with neurological insult, such as activities of daily living, upper extremity function, balance and gait.
Trunk rehabilitation is often overlooked as a critical component of rehabilitation as therapists may be more focused on retraining of self care, mobility and providing carefiver training in the early phase of recovery, Hence, this workshop aims to provide participants with a deeper understanding of the science, biomechanics and rehabilitation of trunk control (coined as Trunkology) in the neurological population.
MotusAcademy is an association committed to reforming the global rehabilitation ecosystem through the power of information and technology.
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